








Instantly quantify the accessibility of your content. Measure and improve readability of documents or websites. Use automated monitors to manage web page readability.

サイトのURLやテキストを入力して「Measure Readability」ボタンを押せば読みやすさのグレード、スコアが表示される。
WALDEN, and ON THE DUTY OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE – Henry David Thoreauより、長くて読みにくい段落をコピペして判定してみた。

I have always endeavored to acquire strict business habits; they are indispensable to every man. If your trade is with the Celestial Empire, then some small counting house on the coast, in some Salem harbor, will be fixture enough. You will export such articles as the country affords, purely native products, much ice and pine timber and a little granite, always in native bottoms. These will be good ventures. To oversee all the details yourself in person; to be at once pilot and captain, and owner and underwriter; to buy and sell and keep the accounts; to read every letter received, and write or read every letter sent; to superintend the discharge of imports night and day; to be upon many parts of the coast almost at the same time—often the richest freight will be discharged upon a Jersey shore;—to be your own telegraph, unweariedly sweeping the horizon, speaking all passing vessels bound coastwise; to keep up a steady despatch of commodities, for the supply of such a distant and exorbitant market; to keep yourself informed of the state of the markets, prospects of war and peace everywhere, and anticipate the tendencies of trade and civilization—taking advantage of the results of all exploring expeditions, using new passages and all improvements in navigation;—charts to be studied, the position of reefs and new lights and buoys to be ascertained, and ever, and ever, the logarithmic tables to be corrected, for by the error of some calculator the vessel often splits upon a rock that should have reached a friendly pier—there is the untold fate of La Prouse;—universal science to be kept pace with, studying the lives of all great discoverers and navigators, great adventurers and merchants, from Hanno and the Phoenicians down to our day; in fine, account of stock to be taken from time to time, to know how you stand. It is a labor to task the faculties of a man—such problems of profit and loss, of interest, of tare and tret, and gauging of all kinds in it, as demand a universal knowledge.


学年に対応しているFlesch-Kincaid Grade Levelや、Gunning fog indexAutomated readability indexのスコアがわかりやすいと思う。

Flesch–Kincaid readability


スコア グレード・レベル 備考
100.00-90.00 5th grade とても簡単に読める。 11歳の平均的な生徒は容易に理解できる。
90.0–80.0 6th grade 簡単に読める。消費者との対話に用いられる英語
80.0–70.0 7th grade かなり読みやすい。
70.0–60.0 8th & 9th grade 普通の英語。13〜15歳の学生が簡単に理解できる。
60.0–50.0 10th to 12th grade かなり難しい。
50.0–30.0 College 読むことが難しい。
30.0–0.0 College Graduate 読むことが大変難しい。大学卒業生レベル。

Gunning fog index

Robert Gunningによって開発された、ある文章を一度読んで理解するために必要な教育年数を見積もるテスト。

Fog指数 学年のリーディングレベル
17 College graduate
16 College senior
15 College junior
14 College sophomore
13 College freshman
12 High school senior
11 High school junior
10 High school sophomore
9 High school freshman
8 Eighth grade
7 Seventh grade
6 Sixth grade

Automated readability index

Flesch–KincaidやGunning fog indexと同様にテキストを理解するために必要な米国の学年レベルを割り出す。

Score Age Grade Level
1 5-6 Kindergarten
2 6-7 First Grade
3 7-8 Second Grade
4 8-9 Third Grade
5 9-10 Fourth Grade
6 10-11 Fifth Grade
7 11-12 Sixth Grade
8 12-13 Seventh Grade
9 13-14 Eighth Grade
10 14-15 Ninth Grade
11 15-16 Tenth Grade
12 16-17 Eleventh grade
13 17-18 Twelfth grade
14 18-22 College

英語 難易度別リーディングガイド

